In close cooperation with renowned Danish hunting apparel brand, Seeland, the Seeland Hawker series has been taken to the next level for this season. Since its introduction, Seeland's Hawker suit has been renowned for its qualities in active hunting: offering the hunter optimum freedom of movement, breathability and mix & match options to cover the entire season, in any terrain. With the introduction of our new pattern, Prym1 Woodlands®, Seeland's Hawker now becomes the ultimate go-to solution for stalking.
Prym1 Woodlands® is a non-directional, hybrid camouflage designed specifically using organic, varying shapes rather than sticks and leaves to help achieve a natural concealment with the flora and fauna, whilst also offering the hunter the flexibility of movement across their terrain.
Prym1 Woodlands® has been developed as a concealment solution, built for the active hunter in wooded terrain. The pattern evolved on the basis of our vision for the future. That in today’s world, the active hunter wants to get out and stalk after their quarry by taking full advantage of their surroundings, just like a predator would.
Hawker Prym1 Woodlands® not only allows the hunter flexibility of movement, it also allows the hunter to be effective across varying distances. More specifically, being concealed at a short enough range to make a successful, ethical shot - when it matters most.